Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Weekly Weigh In

Well, I didn't go to the gym today...too much stuff to clean at home. Thank heavens housework is a good workout! but I had my weigh in and measurements done on Monday, and I made my goal again! I am now 213 lbs! Also, my body fat has dropped from 36.5% to 34.8% in just 1 month! According to my trainer's calculations, I have lost 7.7 lbs and 6.5lbs of that was FAT!!! WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO!!! I am so excited! At this rate I'll meet my goal in about a year from now! 3 months ahead of schedule! The best thing is that I still eat like normal, I just make more conscious decisions about what, how much, and how often I eat . I really hope this trend continues! Wish me luck!


Natasha said...

alright good for you I am so proud so even after those brownies you had this weekend you still did great yeah. Im still trying 1 week and no soda yeah me

Stephanie T said...

You are doing awesome! I do my weigh in on Mondays too. So I kept checking your blog to see how you did. Your doing better then me, but that's okay because you are my inspiration.

Seriously, my scale was broken. Then I got it fixed and I had gained 5 lbs in the past 2 months. I was so frustrated! But in the past few months I stopped getting my nails done and I was too busy taking care of everyone else. So now it is time to focus on me again. And at least it's a good excuse to get my nails done again, right!

ZB said...

I get so excited for you. Keep it up!

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

WOW...good luck with that...found you on LDS BLOGGERS!