Friday, October 24, 2008

I need a vacation!

FYI...Tall Boy has been gone for the past week hunting. I was pleasantly surprised when he called today at 11am to tell me he would be home around 3pm. So I hustled and bustled to get the house clean, then I had time to relax a bit. 3pm came and went. I had to start cooking hot dogs for a church activity tonight, so I started that and he got home just before 4pm. While he was getting cleaned up, I was finishing all the little things I had to get done before the activity. by then it was 5pm, and I needed to be at the activity at 5:30. So, I got the kids dressed in their costumes, hot dogs and other stuff loaded in the truck. Hubby decided to stay home...understandable. But then i got to the activity. It seemed like the world exploded! Suddenly I am watching my kids, helping to set up, trying to problem solve, trying to get Super Girl to stop whining and crying, getting my car parked in the right spot for the trunk-or-treat, then feeding myself and 3 kids! Yes I said 3, my friend had to run off and asked me to watch her boy for a bit. So finally everyone is fed, then it is time for the Trunk-or-treat. I had my car ready to go, but no one to walk with my kids! So I took Super Girl and Super Boy as far as our car, and then then Super Boy go around to the rest on his own. We had a FRANKEN_PUMPKIN and a MYSTERY BOX! The Franken pumpkin was courtesy of Super Girl rearranging some animal push ins we got for her pumpkin this year. Then the mystery box was actually 2 boxes with 1 top over them both. The top had 2 holes and black fabric draped over. The kids had to pick a hole and stick their hand in for their treat. i joked with most of them about a reward for finding my pet snake or spider. Some didn't think it was very funny. By the time I was out of candy, Super Girl was ready to go home. So we headed home. I let the kids eat some of their candy. Then Super Girl needed a bath. So I gave her one and got her dressed for bed. Then I was finally able to sit down with my honey and relax for 2 seconds before Super Girl decided she wanted to watch a different show! So Now that it is 9:40pm, I can finally relax...but I think I'll just got to bed instead! thank Heavens I have my MOMMY'S DAY OFF TOMORROW! I'm going all out. Manicure, pedicure, highlights, hair cut, massage...after all...I DESERVE IT! Don't ya think! :) Goodnight friends!


Natasha said...

wow babe that sounds like alot I am glad that tall boy came home earlier than you thought I can only imagien what your trunk or treat was like that sounds crazy especially knowing how super girl is. Glad you get your day off today.

Stephanie T said...

Heck ya, you deserve it! I got my nails done and pedicure yesterday too. It felt fabulous.

Erka said...

I'd say you deserve it!
I think this "mommie's day off" idea is a very good one!

ZB said...

Yikes, I would say you deserve it. Enjoy.