Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Weekly Weigh in...

Wooooooooo Hoooooooooo! I did it again! Even with the conference party chow down, I managed to lose 1 lb this week! Really, I did it in 6 days, but who cares about that anyway...OH YEAH, I DO!!!! So the program is going well. I hope I can continue this trend and lose more and more weight. My ultimate goal is to be 160-170 for my 10 year anniversary in Jan 2010. I know it's far off, but I want to lose the weight slowly so my skin will hopefully adjust and I won't be left with yards of extra skin...Hopefully... anyway, that's my update for now!


Stephanie T said...

Congrats! Way to go! You are really inspiring me to get my hiney in gear, you go Girl!!!

Natasha said...

Whoooo I'm suprised with all the junk we ate

Ali Andrus said...

Yay! I'm so happy for you :)