Thursday, October 30, 2008

Thankful thursday

Sorry I missed last week's installment of Thankful Thursday, I'll just make up for it today I guess!

1: No one permanently marred our new concrete over night!
2: Soon we'll all have a nice place to park our cars
3: Halloween Party at school went off without a hitch!
4: Adorable Kids that make this holiday Super fun
5: Adorable decorations that help too!
6: We'll have all our concrete work finished tomorrow...(Hopefully next week I can be thankful all that new concrete is safe too!)
7: Elk meat for another about a year's supply of food!
8: Elk meat tastes good enough to eat ALL YEAR LONG!!!
9: A mostly clean house for the past 3 days...without much effort too!
10: EBAY...thanks for helping me with Christmas Gift Ideas!!!
11: Schools in desperate need of Math teachers (I'm seriously considering going back to school to become a math teacher, but I guess I shouldn't be thankful there's such a HUGE shortage...hmmm)
12: Fall Colors and crisp, cool weather
13: A daughter who loves Clifford and Curious George so I can get stuff done
14: An awesome Hot Mama who has helped me get farther on scrapbooking in 3 days than I have in the past year!
15: Awesome discount scrapbooking stores that have SUCH CUTE STUFF!!!
16: Awesome sales at craft stores so I could buy new scrapbooks for Super Girl
17: Budgeting skills that allow us to pay for our concrete work (and scrapbooking supplies:) without having to use credit cards!!!
18: So close to being 10 lbs lighter...I don't know if I'll post a new picture or not, maybe just me in my Halloween costume, nothing too scary!
19: Good food that's good for you too!
20: Halloween candy that won't break my diet's budget!!!

I think that'll do for now! Hope you have a fabulous day!


Shauna said...

So much to be thankful for! Hope you have a very Happy Halloween :)

Natasha said...

Im thankful for you too and for the scrapbook store.

Explore & Grow said...

Just passing through! Love the idea of Thankful Thursday!