Thursday, October 16, 2008

Thankful Thursday

This week has brought some new things to mind, so here they are:

#1 A gorgeous husband who doesn't mind cuddling
#2 Fat free cheese...I love cheese, and now I can lose weight and still eat it!
#3 Diet soda...same as #2!
#4 Half fat ice cream that tastes awesome! (same as #2 and #3!)
#5 Good Books... some days it's my only escape.
#6 The chill in the air
#7 Eating low fat/low cal food so I can indulge in cheesecake every now and then!
#8 Technological's amazing what devices can do these days
#9 Anticipation of adventures to come...San Francisco and Provo craft!
#10 A great 1st grade teacher who takes the time to know my son and give him 1 on 1 time and lets him know how wonderful and special he is!
#11 The ability to vote for leaders of our nation, state, city, schools etc.
#12 People who sacrifice time with their family to honor their nation and protect it and us

That's what's been in my heart this past week...what's been in yours?

1 comment:

ZB said...

Those are awesome things to be grateful for. I wouldn't have put cheese on my top ten...but I know a lot of people who would!