Thursday, November 13, 2008

Weekly Weigh In, Thankful Thursday and Happy Birthday to me all rolled into 1!

Sorry for the slacking this week...but I have good news, I lost .9lbs! I now weigh 208.3! I started this program back in mid-September at 220lbs. 2 months later I am almost 12 lbs lighter! Things I am Thankful for this week:

1. A wonderful husband to me & father to our children
2. A (kid-free) night out on the town tomorrow night!
3. A birthday dinner tonight with the family
4. Birthday cake tonight with the family!
5. Thanksgiving plans with friends that feel like family (I love ya Hot Mama!)
6. 12 lbs and counting!
7. 29 years and NOT COUNTING ANY MORE!!! Hahahahahaha!
8. Technology that helps us (ie: digital photos=scrapbooking, blogs; Body Bugg= weight loss and health)
9. Precious Tender Moments with Loved Ones (you never know just how much time you have)
10. A loving Heavenly Father who knows me personally and spiritually, who knows my needs, wants, limits, strengths and weaknesses.

I think my lists usually go in order from most recent/superficial to deepest. They are in no particular order, just what comes to me when I'm counting my blessings!


Shan B. said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY 2 YOU!!!! Hope you have a fabulous day. I like your idea of Thankful Thursday. I think I might use it too....Happy Birthday again!!!

Natasha said...

Happy Birthday you sexy thing I love you to can't wait to see you again

ZB said...

Happy Birthday! and congrats on that weight loss! You rock girly girl.

Stephanie T said...

Happy Birthday! Have fun on your date night!