Thursday, May 22, 2008

Photo Shoots, T-Ball, and High Chair Snoozin'

Today I went to my friend's house and she took pictures of my kids for "practice". We had so much fun! We took about 500 pictures between the 2 of us and we are hoping for a dozen or so "good ones"! Kids are so much fun! Thanks ZB for all the fun! You are an amazing woman and your camera's pretty good too! (Ha ha ha, inside joke) We definitely need to keep in touch more! Here are a couple "raw" photos I took...we'll see hers another day.

In other news, T-Ball ended last Saturday. Super Boy had so much fun playing this season. Super Girl had a lot of fun too...she just has to do everything brother does!

Super Girl also had a cute moment not too long ago, she had so much fun that she couldn't even stay awake for her favorite activity...eating!
We plan on going to a football game Saturday and then camping on Sunday and Monday, so I should have some more pictures and other fun stuff soon! Thanks for all your help, support and smiles! I'm hanging in there and cherishing the small moments. Just yesterday, Tall Boy and I watched a movie together and enjoyed some tender moments...I live for those moments. Anyway, I am looking at the big picture (thanks Erka) and choosing to see the good. Hopefully by focusing on those good moments, they will become more abundant. Again, thanks to all my great friends who always help me through these are all amazing!

1 comment:

ZB said...

These shots are so cute. You are gonna love the ones that we got. Oh, so so cute. Can't wait to show them to you.