Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Better Days...

After my last vent, I felt a little better, but what helped the most was having a girl's day yesterday. I went to my friend's house and watched PS I Love You. It was funny and cute, not nearly as sad as I thought it would be (which was a good thing:) But we ate pizza for lunch, had popcorn, caffeine and was just what I needed. Our kids played, we talked and enjoyed one another's company. I don't know why everything seems to build up so heavily sometimes, it is just amazing that 1 great day can wipe away all the negativity and hostility that has been built up (or almost all of it). I should keep track of these really bad days, maybe it is tied to my depression issues. Anyway, thanks for listening, it helps so much just to put all the junk out there and have so many friends to let me know that I'm not alone and that I am loved and appreciated. You are all amazing!


Ali Andrus said...

Its too bad I'm not closer and we could all have some girls' time. Its always nice to hang out with friends.

Erka said...

I agree, it is very nice to have friends around to help you through those tough times! And believe me, we all struggle, some more than others, but we all do! This is what I think, hang in there the best you can. A father who loses his temper and gets made at you, is better than an absent father. A husband who ignores you, and does not appreciate you, is better than no husband at all. I don't know the whole situation, but as long as he makes any improvements at all, I say the marriage is worth hanging on to. Trust me, I am not saying that you need to put up with the way you are being treated, just saying that the alternative would be worse, both emotionally and financially!
You are going to be in my prayers too! I guess, I should have left this comment on the previous post! Oops!

Natasha said...

I am so glad that you were able to have a girls day to yourself congrats I hope things get a little better

Anonymous said...

Happy you had a fun girls day and feel better. It is amazing what a good chick flick, chocolate and good friends can do. Hang in there and keep smiling so people will wonder what you have been up to, and why you are so happy. Happiness can be contagious too, remember if "Mamma ain't happy, nobody is happy"

Love, yo mamma