Thursday, March 27, 2008

Can you say CHOCOHOLIC?

Yesterday I was having a hard time getting out of bed...I was awake, but the kids were also awake and in the front room. I finally convinced my aching body to get up, and this is what I found...

These are the pictures I took after I put away the bag of Riesens that she had gotten into...she just might be my daughter after all! Can you say CHOCOHOLIC? Hello, my name is Scrap Happy Mommy, and I'm a chocoholic...and this is my daughter Super Girl, she's also a chocoholic... anyone know of any C.A. (chocoholics anonymous) meetings we can attend?


Natasha said...

those pics are so stinkin funny. Hello my name is natasha and I am a chocaholic

kam said...

Ok, I know that wasn't exactly what you wanted to get up to in the morning :), but honestly, she looks so adorable covered in chocolate (even when she's angry and crying ;).

Kim Thomas said...

So hilarious! These pics are the best.