Friday, May 28, 2010

Our New Piano!

Tall Boy consented and I got a piano! I have been wanting one for awhile now, and Super Boy recently told me that he wants to learn how to play the piano. So I found an electric piano for a great price! The best part is that it never has to be tuned, you can plug in headphones so you don't bother anyone while playing, and it is WAY lighter than a traditional piano. It is beautiful! So here are a couple of pictures...
Also, today is Super Boy's last day of school. He is excited for the summer, but sad that there is no school. He tested for the Accelerated program and was put on the waiting list, but we recently found out that enough people declined that he has a spot in the program for 3rd and 4th grade! He was very excited because according to him "I only learned 1 new thing in school!" His class recently performed "A year in review" it was a great program with a lot of fun songs and little narrations by the kids.
Super Boy's grade also had a walk-a-thon last week. He did great! They did it at a local park and the kids had 45 minutes to walk, jog, or run. Super Boy Ran most of the time, walking only about 1/4 of each lap. I'm not sure exactly how long the route was, but he did 9 laps! That's 5 minutes per lap! Here he is at the end with his punch card...
The kids all had sack lunches and Super Girl and I stayed for a little picnic with Super Boy...It was great fun!
Now we just have a long summer to look forward to! We are excited to be in our new neighborhood where there are tons of kids. I think this might be the best summer ever! Kids roaming wild and free from house to house! We also have a trip to Cali in July to look forward to. We might even send the kids to Gma and Gpa K for a couple of weeks of freedom! I'll try to keep this blog updated, but we just might be having too much fun for me to stop long enough to update!


themasons said...

I can't believe how big your kids are, too cute!

kam said...

That's terrific! you're gonna love having a piano! :)