Monday, May 3, 2010

My latest projects...

Along with the potty dresses, I had another sewing project last week. We have this old bike trailer/stroller that has been neglected over the years, and the fabric cover was thrashed. So I made a pattern as best as I could from the scraps that were left and made a whole new cover!

The old cover (what was left of it)

The patterns I made (side net, side fabric, front fabric, front net, side velcro etc)

The finished product (side view)

Back view

Isn't it spiffy!?!

I also have my very own laptop now that is small but has an awesome battery life! Tall Boy told me I could "put whatever viruses I want" on it! That's his way of saying games and programs. The only program I've downloaded so far is for the Family Search Indexing. I know Dad, you are so proud...I've caught the bug! For those who may not be familiar, it is a program where you download images of census documents or other similar documents from around the world, and you type what you see in each field. I have been doing WWII draft records from Texas. It is amazing to see how many people have the same names!!! I have been typing away for a couple of days now and have set a pretty lofty goal of 36,500 names indexed in 1 year...about 100 a day...I already have over 1000 done in just the past 2 days! Just 35,500 more to go! Wish me luck!

In other news, Super Girl has been doing well with potty training. She has a chart with places for stickers up to the number 50. She gets a sticker each time she goes on the potty with a clean diaper/panties. When she reaches 50, she gets her cute elephant! She's already up to 10 and we've only been doing it for a few's hoping!

And last tonight is the return of the weight loss tracker. I recently started walking with Hot Mama and another friend about a month ago. So far I have lost 5 pounds in 4 weeks! I haven't been walking lately, but I'm still exercising at home most times. So root for me, I'm shooting for about a pound per week...slow and steady wins the race!

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