Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Corrections, Baptism, Scouts, and other updates...

I just figured out something about the potty dresses. The dollar amount I gave was wrong. I realized yesterday that I just added up all the ribbon and fabric from my receipt, and that included the ribbon and fabric for the bike trailer! I spent about $8 total on the bike trailer, so that leaves about $25 for 12 dresses. So it really boils down to about $2.10 for each dress! Potty training has been going well, had a couple of accidents yesterday, but improving! Super Girl told me after the fact that she went poop in the potty! Sure enough, I checked and she did! Luckily she was in a potty dress at the time so she didn't get poop on any undies from not wiping her bum....ewwwwwwww!!! Anyway, PROGRESS!!!

I finally got around to downloading the pics off my phone and getting the baptism photos from Hot Mama, so here it is!

Super Boy Turned 8 in the beginning of April. He had known about Scouts for about a month prior to that and we worked on all the requirements we were allowed to work on before his birthday. He is so gung ho about anything Scouts! So 2 weeks after his birthday was the 1st pack meeting he got to attend. He received 3 awards!!! There is a program this year called BSA 100 because it is the Boy Scouts of America's 100th Anniversary. So there are special ribbons the boys can earn and Super Boy earned 2! He earned the Outdoors ribbon for planning and doing an outdoor activity (a  hike) for our family (that fulfilled 2 requirements), and while we were on the hike he identified animals and plants that were present in our neighborhood and told whether or not he thought they were there before the houses were built. The next ribbon he earned was the Community Service ribbon for cleaning up a public area (school balls over construction fence), planning and participating in a community service project (shoveling 4" of very wet and heavy snow for our whole side of our street) and for talking about people who serve the community and what they do (he mentioned me and the bishop! Talk about awesome company!) At the pack meeting, Super Boy also earned his first rank, Bobcat. He was so excited! I was too! He gave me the parents pin for helping him with his projects. i had forgotten about the pin, so it was super special. I was so proud of him for wanting to do Scouts and for being so persistent, I felt he earned it all on his own. It made me a little teary-eyed when he said, "Thanks mom, you are the best mom ever!" and gave me a hug. We don't have any pictures of the pack meeting, but he was kind enough to pose for me after...pardon the crappy phone picture quality...

So let me tell you a little more about this amazing kid known as SUPER BOY for obvious reasons!!! He is so smart and wants to grow up WAY TOO FAST!!! After he turned 8 he asked me, "Mom, can I cut my own hair? Will you teach me?" So I agreed and this was the result...

He wanted to do it longer that I usually do it, so we put on the longest guide and he went to town. A few days later we did it again, the normal length, so he looked super sharp for his baptism!

There is nothing in the world that can prepare you for the emotions and feelings you get when your oldest child makes the decision to be baptized. I still remember my baptism day very clearly, especially the feeling I had. So that made me think of how he will remember most of his life from now on...SCARY!!! All the moments I need to be the mean mom, he's going to remember! Through a series of unfortunate events, we lost the images of right before the baptism, with Tall Boy and Super Boy in their white clothes. But we still have the after photos! We were so happy so many people could join us and support Super Boy on this special day!

Here's everyone who was there...

Our newest family photo...

There are tons more pictures of the party that followed, but that will need to wait until next time...

1 comment:

Shan B. said...

That's so awesome how excited he is to do scouts!!! And exciting for his Baptism!! I remember mine so clearly too!! Good job mom!!