Monday, June 14, 2010

Camping Fun???

We finally decided to brave the elements and go camping this past weekend. We have been dealing with rain almost every day of June and finally said "ENOUGH!" So I packed the trailer on Friday, in the rain, then we went to our camping place, in the rain. Saturday we tried fishing, in the rain, and Sunday we decided that we better go before we couldn't get out of the mud. So we packed again, in the rain! We got home Sunday afternoon and unpacked, in the rain. Then by 6pm, there was no more rain! Now today it is bright and sunny! This has been a pattern every weekend so far this spring/summer! Oh well, we still had lots of fun making beaded animals and passing off LOTS of scouting requirements for Super Boy! (The picture before this paragraph has all of our toys under a tree. The new quad we bought for Super Boy is the red one of course)
Super Boy is in LOVE with SCOUTING!!! He got 5 belt loops and 3 BSA 100 ribbons in the past 2 months. Next month he'll be receiving atleast 4 more belt loops and 2 pins! He is very eager to do scouting and I let him! There are only 58 requirements for his next rank and he already has done 40 of them! he has only been in scouts for a little less than 3 months! In other news, he has a VERY wiggly top front baby tooth.
Super Girl is still as spunky as ever and loving her new independence by being potty trained. She tells all her friends and has even encouraged one of them enough that her friend is also potty trained now! She loves camping and looking at all the animals and trees. She says the funniest things sometimes. When we were camping this past weekend, we were asking the kids what their favorite part of camping was so far. Super Girl said VERY seriously, "When the brown and white bird called me stupid!" We couldn't help but start laughing so hard! She sticks to her story though, somewhere out by a reservoir, there's a brown and white bird calling little girls stupid...parents be aware!
I have been struggling alot lately with lack of energy and desire to do things, so camping was a nice break from everyday life. I can't wait to get back to nature again!

1 comment:

Stephanie T said...

Way to go Super Boy! That's alot of advancements.
I'm sorry about the rain, that makes camping a downer.