Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Disneyland and other happenings...

We had an amazing trip! We had so much fun seeing friends, family and going to Disneyland. We traveled to Anaheim on Wednesday night. We went to Disneyland on Thursday from 10am-3:30pm. We went out to dinner with my Aunt and cousin, and ate WAY TOO MUCH! I'll see tomorrow at the gym how much damage was done when I do my week 2 weigh in!!! We went to Disneyland California adventure on Friday morning at 8:30am for an hour or so, then it was back to Disneyland until 3:30pm again. Then we drove up to Pismo Beach and stayed with Tall Boy's cousin and their brand new baby! We went to a wedding celebration on Saturday from 10:30am until 4pm. Then we went back to the house and relaxed for the rest of the night. Then we went to church sunday morning at 9am for the baby's blessing. After the blessing, we took pictures outside. Then it was back to the open road. We started heading home at about 11am. Along the way we missed our turn off and didn't realize it until about an hour later! So we stopped at a hotel and stayed the night half way home. Then we finished our trip and got home Monday. Here is a slide show of our fun!

Along the way I read 4 books by Shannon Guymon..."A trusting Heart", "Justifiable means", "Forever friends", and "Soul searching". They were all really good and I recommend them all!

Then Superboy came home from school today with his 1st grade picture! Too handsome! Some wierd reflection happened when I scanned it, but it's still adorable!
Anyway, that's all for now, gotta go catch up on house work!


ZB said...

What a fun trip. And I bet your kids are just old enough to have really enjoyed it. Glad that it was super.

Congratulations on your weigh in! You rock. I'm so so impressed.

Ali Andrus said...

What a handsome boy! And Disneyland? I'm so jealous, the happiest place on earth :) I love your new background too, I wanted to ask you how you did that. I am worried that I'll lose everything if I try and change my background. Oh, and congrats on your weigh in! Quite the accomplishment :)

Ali Andrus said...

Yay! Thank you so much. I did it! I'm so proud, I didn't mess any of it up :)

Erka said...

Wow, you guys had a great trip!
Superboy's school picture is super cute!

Stephanie T said...

Cool Trip! I always thought my kids were too young to enjoy Disneyland, or more explicitly for me to enjoy taking them. But you have totally changed my mind!!! Besides at the rate I'm going with popping out the kids, I don't think there will ever be a time when I don't have a 3 year old:-)

Natasha said...

im so glad you had fun it looks like you had a blast congrats on the weight loss yahooo.