Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Just a funny moment...

Yesterday Super Girl had a speech evaluation and I am pleased to report that in the 5 months since her 1st evaluation, her speech has improved from the 14th percentile to the 95th percentile in expressive language! We saw the most drastic improvement in June after Super Girl got tubes put in her ears. Now we can't get her to STOP talking!

Anyway, while the Speech Therapist was at our home, Super Girl kept talking about her toe "my owie", her cat "meowy" and food "my yummy". Just before the therapist left, she said very seriously, "Was Super Girl born in Florida?" I replied, "No, why?" And the therapist said , "Because she sure does talk about Miami ALOT!" She was just kidding, but it was just hilarious to me! I had a good laugh about that all day whenever Super Girl would say any of those things.

Just thought I'd share a chuckle with ya!


Tinabean said...

That is so cute.
Thank you for stopping by my blog.

mandy said...

ha ha... that IS funny. I'm glad SUPER GIRL likes Flordia so much.