Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My weekly weigh in...

Ok, this post is not for the faint of heart. I am spilling the beans...I will reveal to the whole internet world my weight and my weight loss!

As many of you know I started the BodyBugg program a week ago. At my consultation with my personal trainer last wednesday, I weighed 221.5 lbs. I weighed my shoes today that I wore last week, and they were 1.5 lbs. So my starting weight was 220 lbs. today I weighed in (without shoes) at 216.5!!! 3.5 lbs in 1 week! My goal was only 1 lb per week! So I am extremely excited about my progress, and motivation. And to be completely honest, it wasn't hard at all! The worst is fighting the cravings for junk food (especially candy bars) but I can have one every now and then when I've worked out enough! It is so cool to see how many calories I'm burning while I do normal everyday tasks (especially blogging!!!) I think this program just might be the tool I needed to understand my body's needs and functions.

However, today, to my horror, I got an email showing me how to properly weigh...
I have been doing it wrong! So who knows how much I really weigh!?! Here's the email I received...

The Proper Way To Weigh Yourself...

Sorry if you thought I was serious back there. My mother in law sent this to me and it seemed perfect for this post! Hope you got a good laugh in, I know I did!

FYI...I just burned 35 calories writing this blog! Have a fabulous day and weekend, I'll be back monday or tuesday! Thanks for tuning in!


Anonymous said...

Hey congrats on the weight loss! I found you through SITS! Have a great Wednesday!

Jewel Allen said...

Oh, if only we do lose weight blogging!! :-)

-a fellow SITS gal

Meaghan said...

u go girl! keep up the hard work and don't forget to reward yourself daily!


kam said...

WOOT WOOT!!!! You have done a fantastic job so far! Keep it up girl!!! And boy oh boy I am sure glad to see that I TOO have been weighing myself ALL WRONG!! Thanks for the tip ;) ;)

Nicole said...

Loving the way to properly weight in! I can totally do that. :o)

Found you through SITS.

Stephanie T said...

Way to go! That is awesome! Just remember if you ever have a week where you donn't lose your 1 lb, that you have 2.5 in reserves!

mandy said...

CONGRATS!!!! The bodybugg is a great tool to help you lose some of your weight! Well done! People don't realize how hard it truly is to lose weight!!! I assume you have a trainer at 24?

Michelle said...

Congratulations on your weight loss!

Judy @ In His Grip said...

You are very brave for putting up your weight program on your blog. You are a hero to more women than you will know. Great job and keep up the good work!

Mom said...

Congrats on the loss! I knew there had to be a better way to weighing!

Erka said...

Congrats on the weight loss! You seem very motivated and the results show it too! So, if you don't mind, can you email me about this amazing program you're on? I could sure use a good one myself!