Monday, June 30, 2008

What a week!

We have had so much fun this week! Super Girl is doing great with her tubes...she is so happy most of the time! She still has her little attitude, but that's just part of her personality! Anyway, things are really going great. Tall Boy has been absolutely amazing and wonderful! He is very accommodating and is taking a very active role with the kids. He is an amazing man and I love him more and more everyday...

OK, enough of the gushy mushy stuff...

We went camping this weekend at the red rock formation place. We bought a tent trailer last week because we thought we'd like it better, so we tested it out. It has it's pros and cons. The biggest pros are that the beds are bigger, there are 4 beds and 2 tables, and it tows much easier than the other trailer. The cons are the time and effort it takes to set up and take down, the lesser amount of storage space and the fact that we were cold at night in the middle of summer.

More about the camping trip...

We went with Tall Boy's friend from work again, and we also invited another family along, a couple from our neighborhood. In all there were 6 adults and 7 kids. All the kids played together and enjoyed getting wet in the creek and building a dam. The adults enjoyed the kids playing off on their own and the chance to have some adult conversation time. We ate some good food and enjoyed some delicious smores (made with PB cups instead of the normal chocolate bar...
We stayed up late and got up early (thanks Super Girl) and went to a Lavender Festival! The kids played and rode rides. The adults learned about the farm and enjoyed seeing the kids play. After kids went to bed, we stayed up playing card games and laughing and joking. It was a great break from everyday life. We will definitely have to do it again soon. There were some pretty flowers there, I couldn't resist snapping some photos...

In other news, Super Boy and Super Girl are taking their 1st trip without mom and dad! Gma and Gpa are taking them to Cali to see friends and family! They will leave on the 4th and come back around the 19th. I am both nervous and very excited. Tall Boy and I were discussing the things that need to take place before this weekend, we have our work cut out for us. We will be tilling the front yard, digging trenches for sprinklers, laying sprinklers, and laying sod!!! We will also probably be tilling the whole yard, but we shall see! I am super excited for the changes our yard will be seeing soon. Mostly I am excited that the kids will be able to play and we won't have to worry so much once we get the fences up. That will probably happen next week, but wow...I'll definitely have to take some before and after photos and post them!

Anyway, that has been our fabulous week...hope you all had fun too!!!


Natasha said...

sounds like lots of fun glad you guys had fun. We definatly have to get together and go camping one of these days soon.

ZB said...

Horray for wonderful moments and peanut butter cups. I could eat those all day long. maybe I should!

Glad that super girl is doing great and that life is more enjoyable.

Ali Andrus said...

I'm excited for you that you get some time away to yourselves for a bit. I love doing yardwork, I only wish I had the time! I'm sure your yard will look amazing :) Enjoy!