Sunday, June 22, 2008

Tubes and the rest of my week...

Sorry it took so long for me to post the results of Super Girl's surgery...everything went great. She was amazingly alert and happy after the surgery. She was a little whiny the day after, but other than that she is back to her normal self. She has even picked up a few new words in the past couple of days. She now says "Go" and "What". She also recently started saying "it's stuck". So I think the talking explosion is right around the corner. Here are a few pics of her the day of surgery...

The rest of my week was pretty eventful as well. We had 2 families with kids come over (13 people including us) for dinner on Friday night. We chatted and ate and the kids all played. It was so much fun! They all went home around 9:30p and about an hour later, our swamp cooler died! So yesterday morning, we fixed the swamp cooler. I was not happy about being up at 7am after the week I've had, but I'm happy now! Yesterday was also supposed to be my "day off". So that's why I was so cranky about being up at 7am! Anyway, yesterday afternoon I had a 2 hour massage!!! It was PURE BLISS!!! I usually don't fall asleep during massages, but I dozed off quite a few times yesterday!

Anyway, so that has been my exhausting week...hope you all had an easier one!


Natasha said...

so cute glad everything went well for her. Lucky you 2 hr massage talk about spoiled hahahahaha

Erka said...

I am glad the surgery went well! So, do the tubes stay there permanently now? I am totally ignorant about this kind of stuff and was curious to know how it works!
A two hour masssage would absolutely be heaven for me right now, you are so lucky!

ZB said...

So glad to hear that everything went well.
2 hour massage? I had no idea they had those. I thought an hour was heaven, but now....I gotta get me one of those.

Stephanie T said...

I am happy that the surgery was a success. The talking explosion happened with my friend whose daughter got tubes too.

I can't get over how darling she is! She really is gorgeous, and I think she looks exactly like you in the bottom picture.

kam said...

So glad her surgery went well!!!