Wednesday, April 30, 2008

UPDATES... things have been crazy over the past week. We are moving upstairs and Gma and Gpa are moving into the basement. I haven't needed to go to the gym for a week because of the workout I've been getting here at home! I joined the gym on 4/12/08, and as of last night 4/29/08 I have lost almost 3 pounds! I wanted to take it slow so my skin has a chance to catch up and hopefully I won't end up with saggy fat skin! (I lost 20 lbs in 2 months a couple of years ago, and I had lots of saggy fat skin.) So I am right on schedule! I have a goal of 1 1/2 lbs a week (6 lbs a month) So it will take me 10 months or so to get down to where I want to be.

While we have been moving, I have been taking the opportunity to revamp some of our style. The first victory I have is our main bathroom...I just love these colors!

In other news, Super Boy started Tball. He love it and is doing great. his coach says he is probably the best player on the team. Here's a picture of him at his game...I just love this one!

Our tulips and daffodils have finally bloomed! Thanks to our crazy weather they decided to show their pretty faces! Our daffodils came out about a week ago, but our tulips just came out 2 days ago. I cut the daffodils and put them on my dining room table...they smell so good and are just so pretty!

So, hope you enjoyed our little update! Take care!


Natasha said...

I cant wait to see the changes next time we come, pretty flowers im so jelouse

Erka said...

You have just motivated me to start cleaning up, reorganizing things and doing something about my bathroom too! I really like those colors too!!
Good job to super boy! He looks like he knows what he is doing! I can't believe you have a boy old enough to play Tball! :)