Monday, April 14, 2008

My New Life...

To all of you fine people who have been tuning in since the beginning of my glorious blogging career...I have some fun news about my life! I just joined a gym over the weekend, and today was my 1st real workout in...too long. ANyway, I went in and Super Girl went into their kids club and LOVED IT! I did 10 minutes on the treadmill (walking and jogging) then I did some weights and sit ups. Then I swam, had a shower and got Super GIrl from the kids club. It took me 1 1/2 hours and I thought I'd be tired, but I feel great. Now I'm sitting down with my large glass of water and my low-fat lasagna lunch, dreaming about my new found energy and how great I'm going to look and feel very soon! I took it easy today, just to see how sore I am tomorrow, but if I'm not sore I think I'll be going 5 days a week! I plan on doing a workout like today on M W F, and on T & Th nights, they have a water aerobics class.

I also made another change recently, I have decided to go to a counsellor atleast once a month to help with the depression issues I'm struggling with and to improve my communication skills and awareness in my marriage. My councellor is fabulous! She really speaks with kindness and explains things very well. She recommended 2 books for me The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale, and Feelings Buried Alive Never Die by Karol K. Truman. I haven't started reading yet...but I'm starting with The POwer of Positive Thinking because she said the other one is rough and takes a lot of work to get through it. I am going to go read after I post this.

So I just wanted to let you all in on my very positive here's knocking on wood and hoping that my good day doesn't end in a flood like Kam's! Just to be safe, I won't do laundry just yet! Well...that is my new outlook on life! Sounds pretty fantastic right! Tune in soon for more snippets of my life!


Ali Andrus said...

Staci I love your new look on your page! And wow, you are taking on a lot of new exciting changes. I am so impressed. Jesse and I have a gym membership too and we try to get up and go together in the mornings but it doesn't always happen. I feel so much better when we do though. You go girl! :) I'm so proud of my old roomie!

Natasha said...

nice going lover i hope things continue to go well see for you see ya soon

kam said...

So good to hear!!That is fantastic news. Keep us posted.