Saturday, April 19, 2008

Mohawk Mania!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Super Boy got a hair cut from his dad a little while ago, and as a joke, Tall boy only cut the sides and then asked him if he liked it...well, the jokes on Tall boy cause Super Boy liked it and has refused to let us cut it since! Well, I guess Tall Boy felt left out cause today he gave himself a guessed it...a Mohawk! He only did it to take a picture with super boy and then he cut the rest off, but it sure was funny!

Of Course, Super Girl had to get in on the picture action too...

In other news, I had my "day off today" and it was pretty awesome. We started by having breakfast and going to Super Boy's 1st T-ball game for this year! He had tons of fun. Then we came home and decided that we are going to switch places with Gma and Gpa and live upstairs again! So we started by moving everything for Super Boy's room upstairs and all the stuff from that room downstairs! Luckily all I could finish was putting a bed together and helping to move some of the heavier and awkward pieces upstairs, then I had to leave for my monthly massage! This month I splurged and had a 2 hour massage! It was so AWESOME! After my bliss, I went grocery shopping and picked up dinner on the way home. Then, my hubby and I went on a date! yes you read that right...A DATE! We went on a double date with his parents to see a movie and then went to ice cream after! It was so much fun! Hope you had as much fun reading about it as I did doing it! Bye!


ZB said...

First of all, good for you for working out. We could all use a little more of that in our lives. And sweet mohawks!

kam said...

Way to go!!! It really sounds like you have had a great few days...hope that continues. Yay for a date with the hubby and all the fun things you have been able to do lately. Nothing lifts the spirits like having something to look forward too!!!! Let's get together again basement HOPEFULLY will be completed in 2 weeks or less (they have already been working on it for about 2 weeks, so here's hoping....)

Erka said...

Nice Mohawks!
A monthly massage! Now that sure sounds like a great idea! I think I am proposing that to my husband soon! Good for you for taking charge of your life!