Super Girl is in love with monkeys, dogs, elephants and cats...but I think her favorite is Curious George. So we did a monkey party on Monday for my little 2 year old girl! (I need to figure out what I can count down to next! My blog seems so empty without that countdown going!)
So for Super Girl's party, I did a monkey cake, we had jungle animal plates and napkins, white cups with various animal stickers on them, pizza and ice cream. The cake was adorable, and so was Super Girl when she saw it! She squealed with delight and couldn't stop yelling "ooo ooo!!!"
We had family and close friends that we call family over for the party...8 kids, 8 adults! It was a lot of fun. We started out by eating pizza, crazy bread and Italian cheese bread from good ol' Little Caesar's. Then we moved on to the only game I did, a bean bag toss. I made 2 bean bags from some monkey flannel and made a cardboard cut out of a monkey. The kids got suckers for making it in the holes. I passed out the goody bags and monkey hats. Then the presents were opened. Super Girls cousins, the fab 5, each gave Super Girl a present that they picked out and wrapped! It was so cute! She got hand made jewelry, crayons, red flower fuzzy purse, and a monkey coloring book from her favorite cousin Super G, some froggy bath toys and a monkey purse from Super J, and an elephant toy, blue fuzzy hat, and a Super Sleuths book from Super L (sorry if I missed anything...I'm going from memory here). The parents of the fab 5 gave her this amazing doll that cries, coos, laughs and claps. Super Girl was ready to call it quits on the other presents...she just wanted that baby! So we forced her to continue opening presents while the baby was rescued from it's jail box. Gma and Gpa gave her some money toward a savings account (something we have severely neglected in this family) and a princess style dress up crown, necklace, earrings and ring. Our super close friends, hot mama and family, gave her a My Little Pony and a puppy in a purse. We gave Super Girl a flannel blanket, pillow, night gown, hair ties and even a blanket and skirt for a little stuffed monkey all out of the monkey flannel (I had way too much fun doing those, I used every inch of that cute flannel...all 8 yards!!! ). Then there was the throw blanket with a stuffed monkey sewed on it, some necklaces and bracelets I made, some jungle animal puzzles,and a monkey board book. Spoiled rotten, I know...but I just couldn't help myself! So then Super Girl got her wish, and the baby was freed. She spent awhile playing with it, then all the kids went outside for a bit.
After awhile, we called everyone back in and did cake and ice cream. I got the idea for the cake from under the Curious George Birthday Party Ideas. I made it with the traditional 2 round cakes instead of in the bowl like they suggested, and I think it was adorable...and VERY YUMMY!!! After that we all just hung out and chatted while the kids played. It was a great day! We kept our baby alive for 2 whole years!!! That surely is cause for celebration! The fun part is that we get to party again this weekend. We're taking a trip to Cali to see Gma and Gpa K and a few new additions to our extended family (a wedding and a couple of babies!) We are only going for the weekend, but a short trip is better than no trip. We'll be celebrating Super girl's birthday again with my family there. FUN FUN FUN! I can't wait! Maybe that'll be my next countdown!
Take care for now, and enjoy the slide show!
PS...I have another give away to tell you about! Go to
and leave a comment telling them you found the link on my blog. 3 different prizes, all fun hair stuff! Good luck!