Tuesday, February 17, 2009


As the title of this entry states, this entry is about BODILY FUNCTIONS. Stop here if you are squeemish about bowel movements and menstrual cycles...

With that said...

I have been doing the colon cleanse, body cleanse, acai berry supplement and green tea supplements for a week now. I have not lost any weight, in fact I have GAINED! I don't know what's going on, but I'm 211.6 today! I'm freaking out! I have felt like crap (no pun intended) all week, no energy, want to be in bed, want to eat constantly. It's a little early for my period, but it feels like the week before my period...so who knows, I guess I'll find out next week. Anyway, back to the pills. The colon cleanse works VERY WELL. I went from being a regular 1-2 times a day to a 4-6 times a day. If you want to do the colon cleanse thing I have a couple of suggestions:

1: No spicy foods...spicy in= spicy out...you know what I mean?:)
2: Buy some really soft toilet paper, you'll thank yourelf at about day 4
3: Don't plan on being intimate or in fancy situations, you'll be passing some AWFUL smelling gas!
4: You will be getting up several times during the night, so don't have anything planned for early morning unless you are used to being sleep deprived.

With those recommendations, I could see doing a colon cleanse once every 3-4 months, but the package I got is supposed to last a month, I'm not torturing myself for another day, let alone 3 more weeks! So today I decided to just take the acai supplement until next week and see if that helps.

To be completely fair, I have been lacking energy for a couple of months now, and I know it has to do with my depression, but nothing I've tried has fixed it, so who knows... I'm just too frustrated with my crappy body (again, no pun intended) to care about much else right now. I'm making some phone calls today to see if there is anything else I can do to fix this funk I'm in, maybe that'll help with eveything.

So, that's my update...hope you aren't too depressed now!


Stephanie T said...

So I now know that I will never do a cleanse! Does not sound like fun.

Have you got your hormones checked?
That's a biggie for me. Even if it's been done in the last year it will help give you a baseline to refer too in the future.

Shan B. said...

Which one's did you do? I want to try it.

Kevin & Amber said...

I have tried cleanses before. I like to do them like twice a year to clean out my system. I never loose weight on them though. Yeah for sure get your hormones checked!! I worked for a clinic that did bio identical hormones and I saw that most women have an imbalance and it can cause several side effects including fatigue, depression, weight gain, hot flashes,low sex drive, mood swings and etc. You can get your hormones checked with a blood, or saliva test and get on bioidentical hormones, they are derived from plants and have the same chemical structure as the hormones manufactured by our bodies. (much better then synthetic) Let me know if you are interested and I can give you some more info and websites to look at.

Kevin & Amber said...

I have seen a huge change in peoples lives after getting on the hormones. Especially since I work with skin. I have had a lot of clients with adult acne and after on the hormones it cleared up. Amazing!! Oprah just had a show on it, look it up online and watch it. It might help with feeling better and geting your energy back.