Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Weekly Weigh In and other News

Well, I was right about gaining back some of the weight from being sick, but I've still met my goal for the time being. I am now 207.6. I think that's pretty darn awesome considering the time of year and all the FOOD! But I also started running again. It felt amazing to know that I CAN still run! I started out at 4 mph for 5-8 minutes. Then 2 days later I bumped it up to 4.3 mph for 10 minutes. I didn't die either time, and my asthma was kept in check! I'm really excited for this progress! I have to run on a treadmill for now, until the air warms up again. But when it does, I think I'll be able to do what I love and run in the great outdoors!

In other news, Christmas is fast approaching, but we are totally prepared and ready! Also, we are VERY excited because we get to see some of our family from out-of-state. They are coming right after Christmas! Yesterday I went a little OCD and rearranged our kitchen and dining room to allow for more "counter space" and better flow of traffic. I find that I have these days where I have tons of motivation and energy, and then I have days where I can barely get out of bed...any advice? I am on Lexapro for Depression and vitamin D for Seasonal Affective Disorder, but sometimes I wonder if it is something more...Bi-polar, manic depression...anyway, I LOVE the days when I feel so great and get so much accomplished!

Well, I think that's enough ranting and raving for the moment...

Merry Christmas!


ZB said...

I thought that was just called motherhood, but if you can take something for that...let me know. Hope you had a great Christmas!

Shauna said...

Great post! Come see the pictures I just posted on my blog :) Happy New Year 2009! ♥ Hugs :) Shauna


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