Thursday, December 18, 2008

Icky Icky Sicky Sicky!

Tall Boy hasn't been feeling well for almost a week now, and last night, I joined the party. Although, I do feel pretty good now, I guess only time will tell. But as for the feeling icky, it prevented me from eating or doing much of anything else today. I was really surprised though when I stepped on the scale this morning and saw 207. But imagine my bigger surprise when I stepped on it again this afternoon and it said 205! I know it's probably mostly water and I'll probably gain some back, but I just thought that it was amazing that I could lose 2 lbs in a few hours just by feeling a little icky! Anyway, I'll have to post more another day, like Super Boys super cool Polar express party at school...but like I said, another day...

1 comment:

Ali Andrus said...

Hope you feel better soon! Its no fun at all being sick over the holidays :(