Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Gma and Gpa are here!

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Hope you are wearing green so you don't get pinched!

Gma and Gpa arrived last Wednesday and we have been having tons of fun. We went to a Burger place on the way home from the airport, it was pretty good. On Thursday Tall Boy had the day off, so we went to look at guns. He and I both applied for our concealed weapons permits and were looking at pistols to buy. We went ahead and bought one. It is a Springfield XD semi-auto 9mm sub-compact gun. I am excited to go shooting. I think I'll use the gun more for enjoyment than protection, but when Tall Boy is hunting, at least he can carry a pistol for sneak attacks from rabid bears or elk! Gma and Gpa had fun taking Super Girl around the store to see all the animals and let us shop...THANKS!!! While we were shopping, Super Girl saw a larger gentleman with a beard and long brown hair...she was right next to him, and as he walked by, she said in a VERY LOUD VOICE WHILE POINTING AT HIM..."IT'S MR. JESUS!!!" I just about DIED! But the guy just kept on walking and didn't even flinch! It was hilarious!

Then we went to the Draper Temple Open House on Friday the 13th. It was amazing. (I know, I just jumped from guns to temples...kind of strange, but that's what we did!) We took Super Boy and Super Girl along and they thought it was just so beautiful inside. Every time Super Girl saw a painting with Jesus in it, she said, "There's my Mr. Jesus!" It is so adorable. She has gotten into Elmo's World lately and there is a Mr. Noodle on the show, so now everyone is Mr. something. She loves her "Mr. Papa" and her "Mr. Princess Meowy"...yes that's right MR PRINCESS MEOWY! HA! That little girl is just too funny! On Saturday we did some shopping and Gma and Gpa went through the temple open house again.

We didn't do much on Sunday, just went to church and relaxed the rest of the day. On Monday we went shopping again and went to DI for some clothes and other stuff. Gma and I stayed up late cutting out fabric for Easter dresses and a cute dress that she brought some material for. My mom started this tradition when I was a little girl, and I don't know how long it lasted, but she made my Easter dress many years out of my life, and it's one of my favorite memories of growing up. It always made me feel so special and pretty to have a new Easter dress every year! Don't get me wrong, I wasn't always GRATEFUL for the clothes she made me, but I am now. So I'm trying to carry on that Tradition as long as I can with my little girl too. This year I am making her a white dress with pink polka-dots. There will be sleeves, a tie in the middle, and a band around the bottom that are pink with white polka-dots. And I'm making a purse to match. We have all the pieces cut out, I just need to start assembling them. I liked the dress so much that I decided to make one for myself! So Super Girl and I will have VERY SIMILAR DRESSES! I am doing just all white with pink polka-dots and a tie in the middle out of the pink with white polka-dots. I'm making a little clutch purse for me too! I can't wait to upload photos, cause that will mean they are done! My mom is making a similar style dress out of this super cute yellow material with a border print that's Eastery (I don't know if that is a real word, but you get the idea!) Anyway, we are making a purse to match that too! I can't wait to see all the fun after it's done!

Yesterday was another lazy day, but we made awesome cookies last night! Then today Gma and Gpa are coming with me when I go to help in Super Boy's class at the end of the day. We are making green soda floats to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. We are having lime sherbet with lemon lime soda over it. I'm bringing some green food dye incase it isn't very green. Doesn't that sound so good and super refreshing!?! Anyway, that's what we've been up to. Sorry there haven't been many pictures lately, I'll try to take some new ones of the kiddos soon!

Take care and have a FABULOUS DAY!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Making your own Easter outfits can be such a memorable tradition.