Friday, February 29, 2008

Oh what a difference a day makes!

I am a happy girl (for the moment) today. I got new medication and some new instructions from my doctor yesterday! I am now taking Lexapro (fingers crossed that this will work well for me) and have instructions to take a Vitamin B complex and fish oil (yuck!) everyday. Wish me luck! Fish and I don't get along, so hopefully the fish oil won't bother my stomach. Anyway, so that is my little ray of sunshine for today! Wish me luck!
PS I lost my wallet 2 days ago and was really starting to freak out. So I went to the place I knew I had it last (I had called 3 times already and been told there wasn't a wallet there) and I walked up to the 1st worker I saw, explained when I was there and that I might have left a wallet, and discribed my wallet...he reached into a drawer and said "Did I make your day?" as he produced my beloved wallet intact, all credit cards and cash accounted for! I replied, "No, you made my LIFE today!" I was so excited and relieved. When I got into my car I just started crying, I was so thankful for the good, honest people who turned it in. I was so relieved, that I did something I had been wanting to do for a haircut! It's back to it's short, very layered look that is in our family photo. Well, that's all for my best day in a long time! Bye!


kam said...

Glad to hear it!!! With "sunshine days" just around the corner...hopefully we will ALL be in a better mood ;) See you this weekend!

Natasha said...

im glad that you found it wow there are still good people out there

ZB said...

Horray about the wallet & the goodness in life!