Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Issues...this is not an upbeat post

Sorry for the downer post, but I am really struggling with some issues. I would like some feedback...

Our Super Boy has just finished taking an advanced placement test, and he is currently in speech therapy, and now the therapist wants to do a full Autism test with him. I know he is smart, and I know he has some speech issues (mainly that he stops mid-sentence and repeats a sound until the rest of the sentence spills out) but I don't know how to deal with Autism. I know that if he has it, it will be a very-high functioning level like Aspbergers (sp?) but I am already drowning in my life duties and am not sure how to add that one on...any suggestions?

Also, I am currently dealing with some depression issues...to any of you who know me, I know this comes as a shock because I am usually upbeat and fun...but I am having some major issues. I think I have a combination of PMDD (diagnosed) and SAD (not diagnosed). I am on Zoloft at the moment, but it isn't working like it was when I 1st started taking it. Anyone else have the same problem? It was like it worked perfectly for the 1st month, now I'm not sure if it's working at all. Again, any suggestions? (other than switching meds? That call is going in to my doctor tomorrow)

And lastly, my daughter is 18 months old and going through a very whiney stage...I don't know if it seems worse to me because of the depression, but other people have commented about her. All she want is to be with me, on me, flopping on me and it is SO OLD! She is just now starting to go to her daddy when he tells her to, but I am about ready to scream. She is super active all the time and I just need her to be able to be 2 feet away from me without whining and crying, and I don't want to be cruel to her. I already stick her in her room and close the door when she starts whining unceasingly, any other suggerstions?

Thanks for the sounding board, I feel a little better already!


kam said...

I sent you a private email ;)

Natasha said...

all i can say is try to ignore her when she whines that is what worked best for me. hope things get better

Ali Andrus said...

I am sending you an email as well :)

Ali Andrus said...

I'm so glad you found your wallet now! Thank you for the email back. You ROCK! Love ya!