Thursday, July 19, 2007


The kitchen upstairs is SO CLOSE to being DONE!!! Tall Boy finished the vent for the hood (I think) and Gpa hooked up the gas stove! Tall Boy even lit all the burners, and they worked! (We got this stove last year for free, and it has been sitting outside in our car port since then!) There was one burner that didn't work quite like the others, but hey, it was a free stove! All that's left is to hook up the electrical for the dryer, hook up the washer, and install a dryer vent. Someday we want to put cabinets over the washer and dryer, and make a mobile island with a butcher block top...but I have a hard time believing that those things will happen in the next 3 -6 months.

In other news, the other Gma and Gpa are going to be visiting for a week! Super Boy is SO EXCITED!!! He won't know what to do with himself! 4 people here...which one to play with first!? Hopefully he won't wear them out too much! We are SUPER excited and can't wait 6 more days...but we have to! We just hope we can pull the guest room together in time!

Super Girl is getting more confident, standing up for longer periods of time, and preparing to amaze us all when she just starts RUNNING one of these days! She still hasn't really taken any more steps, but why rush things? However, she has learned to climb our whole staircase! She doesn't like coming down, but she loves going up! She also loves to stand at the bottom of the stairs and yell "AT! AT! AT!" I think she likes the echo. Hopefully Gma and Gpa don't mind the yelling! Her 4 teeth on top are quite the sight. 2 are pretty much all the way in, and the other 2 will probably be all the way in a week from now...she's growing up SO FAST! I can't believe that I need to start thinking about her 1st birthday party! I am SO BEHIND on all of our scrapbooks!!! I hope I can catch up soon!

I hope I'll be getting a few more opportunities to scrapbook now that my church is starting a group that will meet once a month to scrapbook, make cards, crochet, do crafts etc etc. The first one is Aug 4th at my house from 7-9pm...I just hope I can get something done!

Speaking of getting something done, I really should get to work on the house...what's new right!? Until next time! BYE!!!

1 comment:

ZB said...

Those cabinet are so beautiful. Your constrution looks like it's coming along great. How nice that you have some good helpers. Hope you have great time with your visitors.