Saturday, July 7, 2007

Construction Progress

We are slowly, but surely making a dent in the seemingly endless list of improvements we need to accomplish. We have installed some of the cabinets, counter top and sink in the kitchen. We even managed to run some electrical wires so we can FINALLY have ceiling fixtures in the front room! Hooray! A few more doors are painted and hung, but there are still more to do! Soon my life may slow down and get back to normal!


Natasha said...

What the heck is your hubby doing on those counter tops or dare i ask hahaha. looks like you had fun camping to cute pics

kam said...

the remodeling looks like it is going great!!! That has got to be an awesome feeling!

ZB said...

I bet your hubby loves that picture of him! Remodeling is looking fabulous. I'm very impressed. Love the darling pictures of your kids on the 4th!

Scrap Happy Mommy of 2 said...

My hubby was putting weight on the countertop while the glue to fasten it to the cabinets was drying...and he didn't object when I told him I was taking that picture (granted he probably didn't realize it would be on the internet where the whole world could see it!) It is a great feeling to know that the end of remodeling is near! Just a few more doors, cabinets, lights and a stove!