Thursday, October 4, 2012

Catching Up...

I can't believe it's been over 2 months since my last post...what a crazy time it has been. After returning home from our California trip, I had to get 3 people ready for, books, backpacks, etc,   because at the end  of August, Super Boy, Super Girl and I all started school together!
I don't know why these turned out so blurry, or where these two were looking! I don't have a picture of myself on the first're welcome...
     On September 8th, the three of us participated in the ADA (American Diabetes Association) walk to support research for a cure. Super Boy ran the whole 5K(3 miles) while Super Girl and I walked 2.5K.
On the 22nd of September, we had the opportunity to participate in another walk to fund research. It was for the JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation).Thanks to all of you who supported us with a donation! Unfortunately Super Girl  wasn't feeling well,so she stayed home with Tall Boy while Super Boy and I went to the event. I walked the 5K in 45 minutes while Super Boy ran it in 25 minutes! After the walk/run, they had a lot of fun activities for the kids. One of the favorites was a cake-walk-type-thing where the kids walked around in a circle of numbered hula hoops while music played. When the music stopped, each person stood inside one of the hula hoops while the announcer called out a number. Whoever was in that hula hoop got a bunch of tickets for prizes and a free ice cream cone coupon! Even the mascots wanted in on it!
Because of the donations we received, we got two of the awesome shirts you see Super Boy wearing! The event also provided a yummy lunch.Super Boy earned a lot of tickets,so he was nice enough to use them to get prizes for him and Super Girl.
     Since school started, I have been super busy, and the only reason I can post right now is because one of my classes got cancelled today, so I don't have to go in yet. Don't you feel so privileged right now! I could be doing something more productive or relaxing, but I chose to get you all updated! Anyway, enjoy it because I probably won't do another post for another 2 months!

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