Friday, June 3, 2011

Last days of school and life since March!

It has been a crazy few months! Life has been full and CRAZY!!! I have been finishing my 2nd semester of class which involved a lot of service hours. But I loved it so much that I decided to build some relationships at the school and stay beyond my required hours! It has been a great experience to solidify my choice in profession, I KNOW this is what I REALLY want to do! Beyond that we have had Super Boy's 9th birthday, Easter, Spring Break, tons of school activities, lots of crappy weather, and lots of fun! To top it all off, I have been battling a major case of strep throat this past week.
I have been majorly slacking on my sewing projects since Easter, but I do have a few done. I am doing several fun things for a friend having a baby... All of them are in coordinating red, white and black materials...

The 1st thing is a shopping cart seat cover...
with a cute carrying bag...

Next is a reversible car seat cover with Velcro straps to connect toys on the underside facing the baby, and Velcro straps on top to connect to the carrying handle of the car seat...

 I am absolutely IN LOVE with this stitch on my machine...

Some burp cloths...

with washcloth backs...

Ans finally, a nursing cover with wash cloth pocket corners
I am still finishing a little stuffed red elephant to finish off the package! I will definitely post pics when it is done too!

In other news, Wednesday was Super Girl's last day of Preschool! They had a cute graduation ceremony and sang some songs they have been doing all year, so cute! Unfortunately this STUPID BLOG won't let me upload the videos for some STUPID REASON!!! UGH!!! Anywho...Super Girl got some great gifts from friends and teachers. The teachers put together a DVD of all the pictures they had taken throughout the year and put it to music. We took some pictures of our own with the teachers though!

 Then one of the parents of a kid in the class made shirts for everyone with cute drawings of each kid's face...

Today was Super Boy's last day of school. Here he is with his FABULOUS teacher! She made a DVD too of pictures from throughout the year with music...very cool!
 What a great year these kiddos have had with their amazing teachers! KUDOS! I hope someday I can be as great of a teacher!

It is quite strange that "Summer Vacation" is here, but my kids haven't been able to wear shorts to school for a full week yet! Crazy cool and wet Spring! I think the warmest day we've had so far was about 75! This weekend will finally get above that! Now it's time for camping and family fun! I have a brother an his family coming to visit at the end of the month as well as my parents coming at the same time! It'll be a great time and like a miniature family reunion! I can't wait! It has been WAY too long since I have seen my brother's family, and I ALWAYS look forward to visits from my mommy and daddy!

Well, I think that sort of catches us up for now. I am sure there are hundreds of photos I will come across later and think, "Oh, I should have put that in the blog...oh well!" Maybe another update will be coming sooner than in 2 months like this one! Anyway...that's what we've been doing! Until next time...

1 comment:

Stephanie T said...

Awesome sewing! Your kids are growing up so fast. Hope you guys have a great summer!