Friday, July 10, 2009

Weekly Weigh In and Trip to Cali

Well, I haven't been a good girl...I gained some weight in Cali (which is really surprising cause I was always busy and didn't pig out) But such is life. I am 232.2. Also I have been working (sweating) outside on our yard and selling trailers and such. I have had some really good workouts and haven't lost ANYTHING! SO FRUSTRATING! Anyway, that's my reality.

In other news I have been CRAZY busy since I got home from Cali, but it was a really good trip. I left here on Wednesday. The drive there was pretty uneventful except for the few thunderstorms we encountered along the way. There was one in particular that I had to take a picture of. The whole sky was blue with white puffy clouds except for this one area of dark right ahead on the's the picture I took of it!
We arrived Wednesday night and just visited for a few minutes with Great Grandma when we dropped off Gma and Gpa C at her house. Then on Thursday I got to see a friend from a performing group I was in during High School. We had lunch, did some shopping and finished off with some yummy ice cream! We also stopped and picked up some bedding at Sears for Gma and Gpa C (we both have cal king beds but they don't sell sheets that size here for reasonable prices) On Friday I saw my sister and her family. I was happy to rid my house of some VERY CUTE BABY GIRL CLOTHES! My sister's daughter looked so cute in some of the things she tried on for us. What a FIRECRACKER! Super Girl didn't know what to think of someone as sassy as she is!

Saturday was my busiest day. I went to one of my best friends' wedding! She was AMAZINGLY GORGEOUS! Everyone should look great on their wedding day, but she was POSITIVELY STUNNING! Anyway, I saw another friend from High School at the wedding, she was there with her super cool husband taking video and such for the wedding and reception. It was great to catch up with them. After the reception, I went to a baby shower for my brother and his wife. I saw some of my siblings, but not all. It was a lot of fun. Super Boy decided that he needed to spend the night and one of my brother's house. He played with his cousin on the Play Station and had a blast.

Sunday I went to church with my parents, then we had a lunch father's day get together at my sister's house. Then I went to my sister-in-law's house for a father's day party for Gpa C and her dad too. It was great to see more of the family there and have some DELICIOUS ICE CREAM! Of course I had to get the recipe! Super Boy decided that he needed some more time with his cousins and spent the night. On Monday I hung out with my sister-in-law at her house and caught up a bit. She was my best friend in high school, and she married Tall Boy's brother! I have missed her SO MUCH! After hanging out with her all day, I went to dinner with Gma and Gpa C at one of their daughter's houses. Great Gma was there too. It was delightful! We visited, played games and enjoyed the food and company.

Tuesday was my other crazy day. I went to the Sacramento Temple and did an Endowment Session where my dad officiated! It was a really neat experience! After that, I did some Marriage and Family Sealings with Great Gma, Gma and Gpa C. What a beautiful day! After attending the temple, we all went out to lunch together at one of my favorite places LEATHERBY'S! I had pizza and ice cream. YUMMY STUFF! After lunch, I did some errands and then met up for dinner at Carl's Jr with even more friends from High School! It was so amazing to see their kids and to catch up on our lives. After saying goodnight to them, I went to Great Gma's house and saw one of Tall Boy's sisters for dessert and catching up. It was a long day, but it was really great!

On Wednesday my mom and I dove into one of her "junk" rooms to try and find some parts to a sewing machine she gave me. We managed to organize and clean up quite a bit, but we didn't find the parts :( After a long day of work, we went out to dinner at a nice BBQ place. Then I swung by Good-Ol-Walmart to pick up a few things for our trip back the next day. Thursday Morning came all too soon and before heading out, I had to buy some strawberries from the road-side-stand. They are PERFECTION and SO SWEET! So we had a sweet treat for the drive home. I only needed another driver for 1 tank of gas across the Nevada desert. I was so glad to let my allergy-weary eyes a rest for a couple of hours. Thanks Gpa C! We arrived home safe and sound and EXHAUSTED! But there was to be no down-time for me! Tall Boy had called on Wednesday and asked to go camping on Friday! So all day Friday was spent packing the trailer and such.

We camped at our same favorite place all day Saturday and returned home Sunday afternoon. It took me e few days to recover and almost a full week for our house to recover! Then for the 4th of July, we celebrated a day early with Hot Mama and her family with dinner (home made ribs!) and dessert and fireworks in the street.

Then on the 4th we just hung out and then went to watch fireworks form a nearby High School Parking lot! We had Gma C take a new family photo too! We might have to try again, but this is the best one I think!
The kids had some sparklers to play with...

and Super Boy played Bocce Ball with Gma C, Tall Boy, myself and Super Girl.
The kids also loved rolling down the little hill we were sitting on...
Then it was finally time for an awesome fireworks show! we were pleasantly surprised by how well we could see them, it was a really great show!
Then this week I have been trying to play catch up with laundry, bills and keeping kids entertained! Yesterday I took both kids to a trial class at The Little Gym. They both liked it alot. It's a bit pricey, so I may just have to do some shopping around. I know Super Girl could use an outlet for all her crazy energy, and Super Boy could really use some muscle building exercise, so we'll see what I can find!

Whew! I think that just about catches us up! Oh yeah, I forgot, we are going camping tonight with The Fab 5 and Gma and Gpa C! I can sleep when I'm dead...right?!:)


Stephanie T said...

Wow! What a packed fun-filled trip to CA!!! Glad you are home safe.

mandy said...

Looks like Cali was fun!!! That cloud/dark thing was crazy! I love getting shots of things like that!