Monday, January 12, 2009

My Life as of 2009...

Yep, that about sums it up! Since my last post we have been battling sickness and the associated laundry! I even went to a laundromat one day because all my laundry baskets were full and I needed it done fast. Thank heavens for 8 load washers! But less than a week later and there were another 5 to be washed! I'm still not done, but the end is in sight...finally! The holidays threw my schedule and body way out of whack, but now that Super Boy is back at school, my life can resume it's former glory. I haven't been to the gym since before Christmas, so I look forward to getting back to it. I am happy to report that I haven't gained any weight over the holidays, but I really wish I had lost some! I was sick twice and both times I dropped down to 205, but then I bounce right back up to 207...but that will change soon. I am re-dedicating myself to using my Body bugg to it's fullest potential!

In other news, Tall boy and I are headed off for a weekend alone to an undisclosed location! Gma and Gpa are taking the kids for a couple of days while we treat ourselves to a little alone time and celebration. 9 years of marriage, that is something to applaud! This past year has been a struggle. Between my depression diagnosis and my struggle to find a groove (and effective medication) we have weathered a pretty nasty storm...I only hope that our renewed efforts and dedication to one another will help this year be one of our best yet!

Some of my wishes and hopes for 2009 are already taking form, but here they are none the less!

1. A stronger, happier marriage full of love and devotion.
2. A potty trained Super Girl. Side-note: She had her 1st dry night yesterday, and she has been telling me 90% of the time when she needs to go potty, and it's usually right after she starts going...we are on the right track!
3. Less of me to love! I really want to get back on the wagon! I was successful in losing almost 13 lbs in 4 months, and I really want to get back to that!
4. More dedication to learning what others have to teach me. This has many facets. I am trying to learn more in church by studying before class. I want to open my mind and heart to ideas that others have that just might be better than my own. I want to go back to school (to learn what, I don't know!) and improve my home-making skills by learning from what works for others. So please, if you have some awesome recipes, or ways to speed clean your house, I am all ears or eyes! Please leave me a comment or a link to your treasures of knowledge!
5. Be a more balanced person. I need to learn how to balance my time and efforts between my husband, kids, myself, friends and all the things we want to do separately and together! Again, if you have any insight...please share!

To sum it up, I think President Gordon B. Hinckley (president and prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints or mormon church) was on to something... He knew what we all need to strive to be:

Be Grateful,
Be Smart,
Be Involved,
Be Clean,
Be True,
Be Positive,
Be Humble,
Be Still, and
Be Prayerful...

Need I say more? He has it all, and more, of what I want out of life this year and always! I miss his insight and humor, but I know he is with our Heavenly Father watching over us and hoping we all make the kinds of decisions that will let us join him there when this life is over.

So, that's my life (hopefully) this year. I wish you all well for your year, whatever you choose to do with it!!!


Ali Andrus said...

Hey Stace! Thank you for your sweet comment :) Yes, we made through our first year. I can't believe you have been married for 9 years! Wow, how time flies! I remember back when your hubby was a missionary and you were my roomie! I'm sorry to hear that you have all been sick. That is the worst. After all my pregnancy sickness I really appreciate health. You don't think about what a blessing health is until you experience NOT having it! I like the President Hinckley "Be's" too. Very good things to live by. Good luck on all your resolutions. I still need to sit down and make my list. I'm behind already! Anyway, this is getting long... just get better and have a super duper day!

Stephanie T said...

I'm sorry you guys were so sick. That is totally not fun. I love your posts, when I read them I am always inspired.

ZB said...

I hear ya sister. We are having a party for Valentine's Day (the weekend that is) up in Midway. All the former West Valleyins are invited. That means you. I'll get you some details when my Farmboy tells me.

This should brighten up your 2009!

Erka said...

An anniversary getaway sounds so good! I think I might need me one of those in a few months! It's just five years for us! I was reading Alicia's comment and I too remember when you were writing Tall Boy and doing his missionary scrappbook for him!
Good luck with potty training! I am not looking forward at all to potty training Julia in five or six months. Also, I hope they find a medication that works well for you. I admire you for all the new year's resolutions, I wish you the best with them!

mandy said...

good goals as well. I think finding balance is always hard. We just have to decide what are biggest priorities are.

Shauna said...

Hope you have a beautiful weekend! ♥ Hugs :)

diane said...

9 years of marriage, that is something, well how about 26, try sticking around for that, and then get back to us.